An Amber Diceless Role Playing PBeM Campaign
by Paul Dickinson.
Image created by Steve Jackson
Games for the game INWO.

The game
This is the homepage for the Puppeteers Amber PBeM (play by e-mail) campaign,
based on the great Chronicles of Amber by Roger Zelazny. This is a campaign being
run by Paul Dickinson. It is a long term campaign that was started in February '97.
If you are interested in playing and you know something about the Amber DRPG
system, please send e-mail to Paul
Dickinson with the subject "Puppeteers: New Character" and it will be
considered. This page is mainly here for the players' benefit and as such
features things that will interest them (hopefully!).

The campaign is set just after the Corwin books, Brand was killed about two
weeks ago. Finndo just invaded Amber and defeated Benedict with an inferior army. He then bested Benedict, Julian and Gerard in single combat (Julian
and Gerard simultaneously). Random abdicated. Most of the PCs were forced
to swear alleigance to him, though three, Aldrik, Dargon and Athena
mysteriously left before swearing. Before Athena left, she spat at Finndo.
Finndo was not impressed, but has vowed to do something unpleasent if he
ever sees her again.

The GM: Paul Dickinson

Characters & Players
The original PCs were: Athena, Aldrik, Autumn, Castagir, Dargon, Kyle, Tristan,
Delphine and Yarlun. More recent additions are: Yvraik, Balin, Roxane, Dante, Alistar, Theron
and Cerberus. Kyle has had to pull out due to other commitments. If there are any others, I apologise profusely and promise to put
you on as soon a possible.

Pages of interest
Thanks to the Banner
Generator for the Puppeteers title banner.
Page written by A. Robert, send any comments, suggestions or reproaches
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